Friday, February 12, 2021

Home is Everywhere


As a youth and a young man, this song had made a strong impression on me. When I was young, I had strong feelings of nostalgia and endless thoughts of "what if". I remember that self of old, but he isn't me anymore. The self is not constant. It is difficult to say when a former self fades and a new self arises. What I do know is that there have been many selves that have come and gone. Some threads persist, from beginning to end. Perhaps that is the true essence of self, what persists throughout the transitions from one self to another? The only threads that have persisted are a love for knowledge, a love for language, a love for exploration, and a strong feeling of empathy. The rest, however, consists of fleeting fancy, misunderstood relationships, errors that provided lessons, successes that never satisfied, and the baggage of memories - memories that fade, not in their content, but in intensity. Those I missed, I no longer miss. Those I thought I understood, I now understand better and am glad to have taken a different fork in the road than they took. I would rather perish than return to a former self. I would rather go forward into the unknown than "to go home". Life is journey. The stops along the way are like info-points in a museum. Read them. Think about them. Move on.

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